Monday, October 25, 2010

Disease in Haiti

Public health officials are working to keep the country's cholera outbreak from spreading in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where tens of thousands of people are still living in sprawling tent cities after January's devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake.

I don't think that this outspread will affect many people because they are starting to fight against it and stop the spread of the disease but anything can happpen just like the swine flu case and it can spread rapidly and kill off all of the people in the make shift tent towns. I still think that it is just a scare and it won't last very long.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

War Dollars
                The Constitution designates the president the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces. But it grants Congress the authority to approve federal spend­ing. In the past, Congress has used its "power of the purse" to rein in war efforts. After years of the unpopular Vietnam War, Congress imposed a cap on troops, and in 1982, Congress denied President Ronald Reagan's request to fund the Contra rebels fighting in Nicaragua. Today, as public disillusionment with the war in Iraq grows, policymakers and others debate whether Congress should use its appropriations powers to influence or restrict President Bush's military policy in Iraq.

               I think that Obama is doing an okay with his spending of the war dollars because people think that the troops will be pulled out of Iraq and Afganistan soon. The war is a big budget that the governtment has to pay for and it just adds to the debt of the country. The country has a budget set aside from all the rest of its money to help pay for the war but that fund keeps dieing very fast because it is very expensive and very time consuming. The government needs to figure something out about the war to help clear up the war funds.