Friday, September 10, 2010

Afghan anti-U.S. demonstrations grow over Quran

Protests by thousands of angry Afghans over plans by an obscure U.S. church to burn copies of the Quran grew on Friday, with demonstrations spreading to the capital and at least five provinces, officials said. Terry Jones, Christian pastor of a small church in Gainesville, Florida, called off the Quran-burning plans after drawing international condemnation and a warning from President Barack Obama that it could provoke al-Qaida suicide bombings and other Islamist violence around the world.

I don't know what to think about the plan the copies of the Quran, because i believe its just gonna start international problems. The islamic regions in the middle east will get really stirred up about the plan to it because it is basically throwing away their religion. It was a smart choice to cancels the burn because that would not stir up the middle east pot to get back at the US in a way bigger revenge then what we did to them.

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