Thursday, November 18, 2010

Safe to Eat?

      There are two types of food poisoning: infectious agent and toxic agent. Food infection refers to the presence of bacteria or other microbes which infect the body after consumption. Food intoxication refers to the ingestion of toxins contained within the food, including bacterially produced exotoxins, which can happen even when the microbe that produced the toxin is no longer present or able to cause infection. Foodborne illness usually arises from improper handling, preparation, or food storage. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness. There is a general consensus in the public health community that regular hand-washing is one of the most effective defenses against the spread of foodborne illness. The action of monitoring food to ensure that it will not cause foodborne illness is known as food safety.
    I think that it is very important to watch out for food illnesses because if they harm the consumer they can come back at you and you can get in very big trouble with the health inspector. I workat a resturant and that is our number one risk and priority everyday. We make sure that everyone washes there hands all the time because that decreases the oppurtunity to spread or get illnesses on your body or food. The food that is served in the world is all very well prepared and is pretty save to eat so you shouldn't have to be worried about what you eat becasue most resturants will have a reputation if they have had foodborne illnesses in the past so people will be informed of that. Foodborne illnesses are an important topic because it can be very dangorous to the public.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

S.Korea fires warning shots

So i guess this North Korean fishing boat crossed the Northern Limit Line (NLL). The South warned it first by loudspeaker broadcast to get back over the boarder but they didn't listen so the South shot ten warning shots at them to let them know they are not messing around. This is the first time in seven years that the South has had to fire warning shots to force a fishing boat to retreat. The vessel was still in the South territory for two hours. N. Korea and S. Korea are always at war in some way it seems, just days before the North fired two rounds at a S. Korean guard post in the Demilitarized Zone, prompting return fire from the South. The North gets all fired up when world attention is somewhat involved with the South. South Korea is bracing for any possible North Korean moves to sabotage next week's Group of 20 summit of world leaders. But
Baek Seung-joo, an analyst at the state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul, said the North Korean boat was probably seeking crab, not a military battle, when it crossed into southern waters.
He said North Korea was unlikely to want to riase tensions ahead of the summit. North Korea also has planted bombs on one of the Souths' planes and killed all 112 passengers. Also in 2002, when South Korea jointly hosted soccer's World Cup along with Japan, a North Korean naval boat sank a South Korean patrol vessel near the sea border. I think both sides are fighting over ridiculous things and both leaders need to grow up and stop randomly attacking each other because they dont like eachother.

First Transgender sports athlete

George Washington University junior Kye Allums will play women's basketball again this year. But he will now play the role of a brother, not a sister, to his teammates.
Everything will be the same when he takes to the court in the university's season opener later this month. Just that Allums, 21, will be identified as a man, becoming the first openly transgender player in NCAA Division I basketball.

I think this is pretty weird a that there is a transgender student that is going to play both male and female sports. You would think that they would decide to have him choose one instead of both because he could be very good at the female sport and destroy all players and teams.

The worlds largest house pet

Jim and Linda Sautner have a mammoth responsibility as pet owners. They own a very rare pet... They don't own a lion, a tiger or a bear. No way. That's small stuff.

They own a bison (buffalo). A 1600 pound bison to be exact (at last weighing).

Actually, it is likely the WORLD'S LARGEST HOUSE-PET.

And if you thinks that's a load of a pet, this little toddler is barely 2 years old and still growing!

The Sautners have raised "little Bailey Jr." since he was mere weeks old. When you see them interacting with Bailey Jr. in and around their house (oh yes, he goes in their house!) Bailey Jr's  "cuddly" demeanor will have you wondering if Bailey Jr isn't part pet dog after all.

I think this is really cool because not many people have huge animals that live in their house and this is a massive buffalo. It would be really cool to have a pet buffalo because you have to take care of it and it is a massive animal to have to watch all the time and make sure that it is safe and you are also. Not everyone would be able to have a pet like this. It takes the right person and the right house to have an animal like this.

Spacecraft has closest encounter ever with comet

 A spacecraft survived the closest encounter ever with a comet on Thursday, tracking it just 435 miles (700 kilometers) from the comet's nucleus. The agency's EPOXI spacecraft is expected to acquire data with two imagers and an infrared instrument of a comet named Hartley 2 as it traveled at speeds of more than 27,000 mph.
I think that this is very important to all scientists and Nasa because it is going to give very important info and new discoveries about comets and space in general that know one has ever had a chance to find out. This could be a revolutionary thing that is good for all space scientists around and it is also good that the comet didnt reck any of the expensive spacecraft

Authorities investigate mass grave in Mexico

 Mexican authorities have recovered 10 bodies and expect to pull out more from a mass grave in a village outside of Acapulco, the state-run Notimex news agency reported, citing police.

 People in mexico beleive that this mass grave might hold bodies of many american tourists that were taken and killed and they believe that they could finally find many of the missing people that were never seen again after coming to mexico. i think that this would be huge because they could finally catch the people and find out who are all of the dead bodies in this grave.