Thursday, November 4, 2010

S.Korea fires warning shots

So i guess this North Korean fishing boat crossed the Northern Limit Line (NLL). The South warned it first by loudspeaker broadcast to get back over the boarder but they didn't listen so the South shot ten warning shots at them to let them know they are not messing around. This is the first time in seven years that the South has had to fire warning shots to force a fishing boat to retreat. The vessel was still in the South territory for two hours. N. Korea and S. Korea are always at war in some way it seems, just days before the North fired two rounds at a S. Korean guard post in the Demilitarized Zone, prompting return fire from the South. The North gets all fired up when world attention is somewhat involved with the South. South Korea is bracing for any possible North Korean moves to sabotage next week's Group of 20 summit of world leaders. But
Baek Seung-joo, an analyst at the state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul, said the North Korean boat was probably seeking crab, not a military battle, when it crossed into southern waters.
He said North Korea was unlikely to want to riase tensions ahead of the summit. North Korea also has planted bombs on one of the Souths' planes and killed all 112 passengers. Also in 2002, when South Korea jointly hosted soccer's World Cup along with Japan, a North Korean naval boat sank a South Korean patrol vessel near the sea border. I think both sides are fighting over ridiculous things and both leaders need to grow up and stop randomly attacking each other because they dont like eachother.

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